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Meet Heather

Friday, December 12, 2014

Bru Joy Pizza Wheel

I receive the Bru Joy Pizza Wheel free of charge to test it. I am very particular about my kitchen tools. I have used this wheel a few times on a number of different food items besides pizza. 

I'll first start off saying that the Bru Joy Pizza Wheel looks nice. It's made of stainless steel and has a nice rubber like grip wrapped around the handle. It is constructed well and so far has held up to my extensive testing and abuse. The handle is a perfect fit for my small hands that are easily fatigued.

As far as cutting goes, we'll it depends on what it is. I was a bit let down with the fact that when cutting pizza I had to roll over the same spot multiple times before it effectively cut through the pizza. However it does great with tortillas and other thin soft objects. I also tested this on meats and veggies. The blade is not sharp enough to cut through these items with out having to go back and forth several times while using extra pressure. However as mentioned above the wheel did hold up to the extra abuse. If you know how to sharpen a pizza cutter then this would be ideal.

Over all I would say this is an average pizza cutter. The quality is above average but due to its lack of sharpness,  I can't get over excited about it. I suppose I may be ruined due to having a pampered chef pizza wheel for the past 10yrs that is still sharp enough to slice your finger off.

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